Podcast added to Uncle business profile

 Now Uncle is Comedian and Podcaster.

Along with being a Blogger I embrace writer essayist vlogger and Blogger. At Patreon.com/unclevibes you can read essays listen to Podcast and read essays on a variety of subjects. I am still a room keeper at Bestrooms and plans are in the works there to break into the tourist market. That is earning from visitors tot he country Barbados by having them stay at my Urban 1 star Location.

All these moves are to max out the Post Corona boom that is  expected. The Pandemic has brought Barbados into a recession and now some bad luck of a volcanic ash Dump, a Freak Storm two days prior to a Hurricane has floored the economy here on the Island. 

A turn around is expected I the world G7 economies which will see a flood of global travelers to Barbados. As a room keeper I will cash in on this development. Though the local market is study business the tourist business to use a new watch word will make my see my model adopting the blended approach to doing business in the new normal.
