Today a good laugh is few and far in-between all the anxiety of our times
Our times are the times when we really need a good laugh.
June 26 1pm by Uncle your favorite Uncle.
Anxiety depression mental health are all watch words today.
A laughing kiosk would be good to have to go to to escape with a good laugh. Failing that I have a page where you can download funny jokes videos and jokes books that though are crude and rude jokes they make any adult laugh and forget about today's problems.
Every day it is a gun shot and another one drop. Sadness anger and with the pandemic of lockdowns and curfews in Barbados and the wider world it is near impossible to live through until another day. I guess I like to laugh as drugs and drink are not an escape for me.
I hope you too like a good laugh in these crazy times and have no problem downloading comedic relief video clips made up of funny social commentary jokes and observations.
Lighten your load and lift your spirits with a good laugh with me Uncle your Favorite
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